Alkalanise the body by reducing acidity and acid causing foods.
A lot of illness is caused by too much acid in the body that depletes the alkaline reserves in the body. pH is the measure for acidity in the body. Normal pH for the body is between 6 and 6.8. When the pH is lower than 6.3 you start getting acidic. Less than 6.0, you are likely to get sick.
There are two types of acidosis;
Respiratory and Metabolic acidosis. Acidosis is when the body chemistry gets out of whack. The imbalance causes the body to become overly acidic.
An acidic condition causes the body to borrow minerals from the rest of the body to attempt to reduce the acidity. It borrows calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from the vital organs and bones. This puts a tremendous strain on the body. As a result the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage. High acidity may go undetected for years and may only to surface when we get older.
How to alkalanise the body
- Breathe more. Go outside and breathe some fresh air. Take a walk and exercise, at least once a day, if you can.
- Start the day with a glass of hot water with lemon juice
- Eat fruit on its own. If you add protein or carbohydrates, it makes it acidic.
- Eliminate or limit acidic foods.
- Do eat raw food. It contains all the minerals, vitamins, and natural enzymes you need, in the right formulation for your body to absorb.
- Drink enough water for your body. This depends on your activity level, your environment, how much your kidneys can cope with, and various other factors. See here for a healthy lifestyle and how much water to drink.
Minimise or eliminate the following foods:
Foods made with any sugar (including syrup and glucose) and flour like sweets, biscuits, cakes, tarts, rusks, etc.
Eliminate vinegar (except apple-cider vinegar), use lemon juice in stead.
Eliminate wine, champagne, brandy.
Orange, pineapple and strawberry juice. It is better to eat the whole fruit if you are having it.
Any concentrated fruit juices, cordials and syrops, are a definite no-no.
Avoid eating late at night
Limit acidic fruits
Pineapples, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, prunes, plums.
Foods that cause uric acid buildup. The result is you get gout and arthritis.
Game; antelope, wild boar, etc.
Sweetmeats; heart, kidneys, liver, brains, stomach and so on.
Seafood; crayfish, prawns, shrimps, mussels, clams, and other bottom feeders that live off dead debris.
If you are taking a Vit C supplement, make sure it is buffered (non-acid forming). Reduce taking this for a while.
The following problems can be the result of acidosis:
- Lactic acid buildup causing joint pain and sore, aching muscles.
- Low energy, chronic fatigue, Immune deficiency, premature ageing.
- Slows digestion and elimination. Constipation, diarrhea, foul-smelling stools and halitosis (bad breath).
- Diabetes, obesity, weight gain and water retention.
- Yeast and fungal overgrowth in the colon, intestines; candida.
- Osteoporosis; weak, brittle bones, easy fractures and bone spurs.
- Accelerates free radical damage, that may possibly contribute to cancerous mutations. See cancer article below or in the archive.
- Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen.
- Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones.
- Hormone problems.
- Headaches and migraines.
- Strong, burning perspiration.
Other health-related links
Bottled water is toxic for your health and the planet
Prevent Osteoporosis
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